


Picture this: you’re the building manager of a dialysis center. It’s a busy facility, and every day, you watch goopy white dialysate slither down the drains. Flies buzz around the sinks, the drains are slowing down, and it’s starting to smell awful. 病人抱怨恶心,再也不来了. 你试着定期往下水道里倒下水道保养剂, but you’re so busy that you don’t consistently have the time. 你能做什么??

在State Chemical, we manufacture and distribute a variety of chemical solutions, including drain maintainers intended for automated maintenance, 就像 bd - 150 x. We understand that with the hecticness of running a facility, you don’t always have time for drain maintenance—but we also know that in some situations, facilities simply can’t afford to shut down for drain problems either. 进入自动排水泵.

To help you explore other possibilities for your facility, we’re going to explain what automated drain pumps are, how they work, when to use them, and when not to use them. 在阅读, you’ll understand whether automated drain pumps will be able to provide the best drain maintenance for you.


Also known as a drain feed pump, an automated drain pump is a computerized pump that regularly feeds a drain maintenance chemical into your drains. 这可以使你的排水管没有异味,清除积聚物, 以及防止下水道苍蝇入侵.

Automated drain pumps work as frequently as you need them to within the week. You can program them to run ten times a day for severe situations, or you can have them run just twice a week if you’re not experiencing as much buildup. 这完全取决于个人情况.


An automated drain pump is connected to a drain maintenance chemical. Through computer programming, the pump regularly dispenses the chemical.

You can program the pump to dispense as frequently or infrequently as you’d 就像 within a week. From there, the chemical will just need to be regularly replaced when it gets low. This will either be done by you or by a chemical company representative. 在任何一种情况下,它 节省你的时间 from having to manually pour chemicals down the drains constantly.


Your specific situation will be the primary deciding factor in getting an automated drain pump. 需要排水泵的情况是 if your facility experiences frequent use and heavy drainage of organics or 脂肪、油和润滑脂. 此外, if your facility cannot afford to shut down due to drain problems, automated drain pumps are for you.

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站回顾一下之前透析中心的例子. That’s a prime example of a business that would benefit from an automated drain pump. Not only does it experience high drainage of smelly dialysate and other bodily fluids, but it could not afford to shut down if the drains backed up.

透析中心关闭意味着病人 无法接受治疗 直到问题解决. 提前几个月预约, this kind of shutdown would severely affect the schedule and patient care.

现在,想象一下医院. If the drains backed up, the cafeteria would shut down, and the whole hospital would go without food.

It’s easy to see how this could affect a facility that works on a strict timeline. With an automated drain pump, these issues wouldn’t happen in the first place.

However, there are also cases where it just doesn’t make sense to use an automated drain pump.

For example, let’s say that you’re the facilities manager of an office building. This building generally only sees FOG drainage when mugs are washed or the occasional ramen spills at lunchtime.

This is a case where using an automated drain pump just doesn’t make sense. The amount of drain maintenance you’d need would be less than weekly, 所以最好是手动管理它.

同样的, 如果你在处理一个不经常使用的排水管, it would make more sense to use treatment for dry drain to control odors. Using an automated drain pump just won’t solve the issue at hand.

Automated Drain Pumps are More Expensive but Save You Long-Term

认识到这一点也很重要 automated drain pumps are more expensive than standard drain maintenance. 下水道维护化学品本身就是一笔费用, 但是有一个自动排水泵, you’ll also need to purchase the pumps and pay for their upkeep (i.e.服务、电池、更换等.).

If you’re working on a tight budget, this is important to consider. However, it’s also important to consider how automated drain pumps could save you long-term.

When running a busy facility, working drain maintenance into your schedule isn't always feasible. Automated drain pumps eliminate the potential for forgetting, and their consistency maintains drains more reliably than a person might.

从长远来看,这可以为你省钱 因为你不需要处理 破坏性排水问题.

但这完全取决于具体情况. You know your circumstances, so consider: do you have the time to manually maintain your drains? Would your facility be better off with guaranteed maintenance?

Compare Automated 下水道维修 to Manual 下水道维修

You’re busy running a facility, so it’s hard to find time to appropriately maintain your drains. Now that you know what an automated drain pump does, consider the differences between automated maintenance and manual maintenance.